Lara Bars
I get asked a lot about a quick snack to take on the go & one of my favs are Lara Bars!

There are so many protein/snack bars out there & when you really look closely at the nutrition labels, some of them are like eating a candy bar! (YIKES!)
Here's what I love about Lara Bars:
•They usually only have about 3-8 ingredients (unsweetened fruit, nuts, etc.)
•No artificial flavors, preservatives & no added sugar
•Some are Whole30 approved: my favorite is Cashew Cookie (which is dates & cashews--that's it!) Trust me, it's SO good!
My favorite when I'm craving some chocolate & not doing 100% Whole30 is the Chocolate Chip Brownie (dates, chocolate chips, almonds, walnuts, cocoa powder & sea salt)
Try them if you haven't yet! They're super yummy & not bad for you! :)