Episode 118: Is It Your Thyroid or Are You Just Exhausted? Tips for Thyroid Health with Shannon Hansen of The Thriving Thyroid Podcast

Have you ever thought that you might have a thyroid imbalance, but just thought maybe you're just exhausted from ALL THE THINGS that go along with being a working mom?  Then this episode is for you!  I have thyroid expert, Shannon Hansen, sharing tips to help you naturally balance your thyroid (through food, stress management, sleep and more!) Plus, I also share my frustrating thyroid journey that I know you'll be able to relate to!

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Shannon Hansen has quickly become a leader of Holistic Nutrition, she has certificates as a Holistic Wellness Practitioner, Functional Nutrition Practitioner, and Life Coach. She has co-authored a book and passionately educates women with thyroid imbalances to gain freedom from fatigue by removing chronic triggers and replenishing their body so that they can restore their health quickly and  stop sleeping their way through life. Shannon is a Christian entrepreneur, as well as a wife and mother of 3 beautiful girls and enjoys gardening and working on her mini farm, with her animals. 



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