HABIT HACK (FOOD FREEDOM): Go from Cheat Days to Fun Days!

Have you ever found yourself saying, "CHEAT DAY!" You're usually coming from a place of no longer restricting yourself for one day and you get to cheat on your diet and have whatever you want! But...then you step on the scale and you gain 5 lbs?!?!  This is very problematic so today we’re going to change that mentality for you and go from cheat days to fun days (remember, we are anti diet around here and pro food freedom and having fun!) so you can have balance, have the foods you love whenever you want and find true food freedom and feel and look good in your fav leggings!

Why do we feel like we have to diet and restrict? The diet culture mentality has made health very complicated when it doesn't need to be and why we as women have to do habits differently!  Listen to my secret podcast series, Atomic Habits for Women, (esp episode 2!) to learn more about why diet culture is getting in the way of us seeing true results and how to actually habit hack your health in that atomic habits for women system!



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-Need 1:1 accountability for your habits?  Schedule a FREE DISCOVERY CALL to find out more!

-CHECK OUT THE FREEBIE VAULT!: Access habit tools, self care checklist, ingredient meal tips, free workouts and more! 



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