Episode 84: Purpose to Your Pain: How You Can Still Take Care of You & Make an Impact with Keridon McMahon

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Does life ever get hard?  The answer is, YES.  There are going to be hard times in your life when it is going to be difficult to show up for yourself at all.  I learned this after my now 12 year old son, Dylan, was born with a congenital heart defect.  Over time I realized there is a purpose to the pain we were feeling and our family has been able to make an impact because of that.  I also realized I needed to make time for myself in some way in order to show up 100%+ for my son.

With February being American Heart Month, I wanted to bring on another heart mom to share her story.  Keridon McMahon is a wife, mom of three (one with heart disease), and entrepreneur. She is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and Weight Loss Specialist with 19 years of industry experience. Through these life and career experiences she now uses motivational speaking to help others find purpose in their pain and live their best lives. 

Although Keridon and I are both Certified Personal Trainers, we aren't talking about fitness today.  We're chatting about the purpose to our pain, making an impact and still making self care a priority in our lives.  This is the same coaching we would give to our own training clients so you are in for a behind the scenes look at coaching!

*for another heart mama's story...listen to Cortney Given on Episode #10 of the show

*I want to be sensitive to this subject matter as I know everyone has some type of hard season they are going through.  I know self care is easier said than done during times like these, but I hope this episode gives you some inspiration to find small ways to take care of yourself and not feel guilty about it at all.


  • Want to take your Self Care journey to the next level?  Or are you curious about Whole30? Check out Emily’s courses and freebies here!

  • Let’s workout together!  I’ve launched my Virtual Group Fitness classes and I’d love to see you in class.  Invite a friend and let’s get moving!  Sign up HERE.

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