HABIT HACK: Why You Have the 80/20 Rule All Wrong When it Comes to Your Health all or nothing, mindsetEmily NicholsFebruary 14, 2025all or nothing, mindset, habit hackComment
Episode 283: Feeling Forgetful? 10 Habits to Help Combat Brain Fog mindsetEmily NicholsFebruary 14, 2025perimenopause, brain fog, popcorn brain, mindset, midlife momComment
EPISODE 282: Fitness Trends vs. Sustainable Habits with Carl Daikeler of BODI (formerly Beachbody) fitness, workouts, mindsetEmily NicholsFebruary 10, 2025beachbody, bodi, carl daikeler, sustainable habits, mindsetComment
HABIT HACK: 5 Signs You Need a Mental Health Workout fitness, mindset, movement, mental healthEmily NicholsFebruary 5, 2025workout, fitness, mental health, mindsetComment
HABIT HACK: 3 Habits To Boost Your Self Esteem When You Are Feeling Rejected habit hack, mindsetEmily NicholsDecember 6, 2024habit hack, mindsetComment
Episode 276: Habit Hacking Your Willpower with Jenn Trepeck mindsetEmily NicholsDecember 6, 2024mindset, willpowerComment
Episode 275: 3 Habits to Battle Seasonal Affective Disorder and Get Motivated and Happy Again! Habits, holidays, mindset, winterEmily NicholsDecember 1, 2024seasonal affective disorder, winter blues, winterComment
HABIT HACK: 5 Habits to Overcome Popcorn Brain and the Constant Overstimulation and Overwhelm productivity, mindsetEmily NicholsNovember 13, 2024mindset, popcorn brain, overwhelm, technologyComment
Episode 270: Stop Hitting Snooze! Habit Hacking the First 5 Minutes of Your Day with Lizzie Brown of YOGA WAKE UP mindset, yogaEmily NicholsOctober 28, 2024snooze, sleep, yoga, meditationComment
TRAINING FOR LIFE SERIES: My Own Insecurities As A Coach and How This Can Help You Train for Life Too mindsetEmily NicholsSeptember 8, 2024mindset, training for lifeComment
Episode 265: Habits To Tame Your Inner Critic with Andrea Herbert mindsetEmily NicholsSeptember 8, 2024mindet, inner crititcComment
TRAINING FOR LIFE SERIES: WHAT IS YOUR DIET CULTURE ORIGIN STORY? mindset, diet culture, training for lifeEmily NicholsAugust 22, 2024diet culture, training for lifeComment
Episode 264: You Are More In Control than You Think You Are of Your Health with Nikkiey Stott of WarriorBabe Habits, healthy habits, mindset, perimenopause, menopauseEmily NicholsAugust 22, 2024perimenopause, menopause, control, mindsetComment
Episode 263: 4 Mindset Habits When The Number On the Scale Goes Up habit hack, mindset, non scale victoriesEmily NicholsAugust 19, 2024scale, non scale victory, nsvComment
HABIT HACK: Ever Feel Happy and Sad at the Same Time? 5 Habits to Help You when You Have Mixed Emotions habit hack, mindset, mixed emotionsEmily NicholsJuly 26, 2024mindset, mixed emotions, habit hackComment
Episode 258: Habits to Take Ownership for Your Own Happiness & Stop Being a Mommy Martyr with Scottie Durrett mindset, Mom, momsEmily NicholsJuly 14, 2024mom life, mom guilt, midlife momComment
HABIT HACK: The Kitchen Sink Theory—What Are You Letting Pile Up and Get in the Way of Making Your Habits Stick? habit hack, mindsetEmily NicholsJuly 10, 2024habit hack, mindset, habit stickComment
Episode 255: What Does the Red Car Theory Have to Do with Your Healthy Habits? mindsetEmily NicholsJune 14, 2024mindset, healthy habitsComment
EPISODE 249: Creating Habits of Grace for Mother’s Day for an Imperfect Mom with Robin Rhine McDonald midlifemom, millennial mom, mindset, momsEmily NicholsMay 8, 2024mom life, mom, mom guiltComment
Episode 247: Weight Loss is Simple, But Not Easy. How Your Mindset and Current Habits Might Be Holding You Back and How to Fix It! weight loss, healthy habits, mindsetEmily NicholsApril 26, 2024healthy habits, weight lossComment