Episode 278: Why Traditional Habit Formation Doesn’t Work For Women and How You Can Do Habits Differently with Monica Packer working mom life, Working mom, womens health, midlifemom, habits that stickEmily NicholsJanuary 12, 2025midlife mom, atomic habits for women, habits that stickComment
EPISODE 249: Creating Habits of Grace for Mother’s Day for an Imperfect Mom with Robin Rhine McDonald midlifemom, millennial mom, mindset, momsEmily NicholsMay 8, 2024mom life, mom, mom guiltComment
HABIT HACK (MINDSET) 3 Tips to Help Your Habit Loops Stick Even on the Weekends, Work Trips, Breaks and Any Other Schedule Changes habit hack, busy life, midlifemom, millennial mom, Mom, momsEmily NicholsApril 10, 2024mom life, schedule, habit hack, LifestyleComment
Episode 242: Habits to Love Your Mom Life While Still Meeting Your Professional and Health Goals with Nikki Oden Mom, millennial mom, midlifemom, working mom life, Working momEmily NicholsMarch 24, 2024working mom, midlife momComment