Episode 278: Why Traditional Habit Formation Doesn’t Work For Women and How You Can Do Habits Differently with Monica Packer working mom life, Working mom, womens health, midlifemom, habits that stickEmily NicholsJanuary 12, 2025midlife mom, atomic habits for women, habits that stickComment
Episode 251: Let’s Get Back to the Basics of Establishing Habits (think potty training essentials) habits, Habits, habits that stickEmily NicholsMay 23, 2024habits that stick, habit tipsComment
Episode 133: Say No To Overwhelm and Yes To Time Freedom—BOOK REVIEW Habits, habits that stick, mindset, organization, SELF TRANSFORM UEmily NicholsJanuary 17, 2022habits, time, habit inventory, habits that stick, overwhelmComment
Episode 128: Who I Am NOT As A Coach: Am I the Right Habit Coach for You? (PLUS: CART IS OPEN FOR SELF TRANSFORM U--FREE BONUS!) COACHING, habits that stick, holistic health, SELF TRANSFORM U, UpdateEmily NicholsDecember 27, 2021habit coach, self care coach, self transform u, habits that stickComment