BONUS! Self Care Quickie Tip: GET OUTSIDE

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Surprise!  I dropped another BONUS Self Care quickie for you! 

There is beauty in nature and getting outside is proven to be good for your health!  This episode with inspired by my short solo hike in Salt Lake City at the Whole30 Coach Summit this summer.  Melissa Urban (creator of the Whole30) shares so much about how her hikes are her "church" and I can totally see why now!

Did you know being outdoors is scientifically proven to help your health?  I'm sharing more data on why you should get outdoors today for self care and few suggestions on what you can do outside (and not all outdoor activities have to include moving your body!)  Let me know if you're going to start getting outside as part of your self care routine.


  • Want to take your Self Care journey to the next level?  Check out Emily’s courses and freebies here!

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