Episode 10: Self Care When It's Hard with Cortney Given

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There are many seasons of life we go through where it is HARD.  One of the hardest times of my life was when my now 11 year old son, Dylan, had open heart surgery at 8 months old. Cortney Given knows this feeling too because her daughter, Zola, was born with a congenital heart defect as well called HLHS. Cortney has some amazing advice on how to find self care for yourself during the most difficult times of our lives, and how different that may look than other seasons of your life.

*I want to be sensitive to this subject matter as I know everyone has some type of hard season they are going through.  I know self care is easier said than done during times like these, but I hope this episode gives you some inspiration to find small ways to take care of yourself and not feel guilty about it at all.

Connect with Cortney on Instagram and check out her Self Love Course!  

CHD Resources:

Heart Moms

Mended Little Hearts

Children's Heart Foundation

Breastfeeding Children with CHDs


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