Episode 31: My Story of Self Care Abuse and an EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT!!!

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No rest days, eating the foods that I know didn't make me feel my best (physically and mentally) and not connecting with others and positivity in my life.  I wasn't living my best life and was not keeping my self care routine simple.

When looking back at my life over the past 18 months, I realized I was abusing my self care routine and taking it TO THE MAX to compensate for the stress and confusion I felt over my job. So...I left my job. I found a new one and then returned to my simple self care routine and stopped abusing my self care routine.  

Over my years of coaching clients through Whole30, we start with food but then we dig into self care because it's inevitably part of their journey.  What I've found as I've coached clients is that they needed a simple and sustainable system of self care.  I keep hearing the same thing from you, my listeners, my followers on social media that even thinking about crafting their own self care routine was overwhelming.  (Because let's face it...life itself is overwhelming!)

So...drumroll...I've decided to start offering SELF CARE COACHING!  I will take you through my 3 tier system that I had only offered to my Whole30 clients in the past and help you create a custom, simple and sustainable self care checklist.  We'll dig deeper and take your new self care checklist, to make it a routine, to then an engrained habit you don't even have to think about. 



So check this out…I'll be offering an introductory $25 30 minute Self Care Coaching Call moving forward (that's seriously like a few Starbucks coffees...your self care and well being is a higher priority.) This is just for a limited time, so reach out to me ASAP if you want in!



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