BONUS: FREE Resources & Self Care Tips from Indy Female Business Owners

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With the quarantine going on, I wanted to find a way to help other local female business owners so I decided to invite a few to com on the show today to share what FREE services they are offering right now and their very best SELF CARE TIPS.  

The overarching theme was making sure to take care of your mental, emotional and physical health right now.  Also, showing kindness and love during such an uncertain time can go a long way.  I loved each of their perspective's and the resilience they are all showing!  So inspiring!

Listen in and make sure to follow these ladies & check out their resources!

Safina Duke

Christine Haler

Kristen Swart

Hillary Hushower

Brooke Lockett


  • Want to take your Self Care journey to the next level?  Check out Emily’s courses and freebies here!

  • Listen to more episodes of the Self Care Isn’t Selfish Podcast!  (don’t forget to subscribe & leave a rating & review if you’re loving the show!) 

  • Want to be part of our Self Care community?  Sign up for Emily’s newsletter here so you can be in the know & receive additional self care tips!  (promise not to spam!)

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