Episode 38: Chasing Healthy vs. Chasing Skinny with Jennifer Joffe

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I adore my guest and her story on this week's episode.  Jennifer Joffe is a Certified Holistic Health Coach who specializes in helping women, particularly obese women, redefine their relationships with food, while learning self-love and self-acceptance.  Jennifer and I have a conversation about how she stopped chasing skinny and started chasing healthy.  She decided to choose JOY over FEAR and that's when the magic happened.  

**You have choices in your life too, friend.  Choose wisely.**

After losing more than 100 pounds and completing a journey from compulsive over-eating and self-hate to self-love, Jennifer’s own story inspires women to understand that they do not have to be victims of their circumstances, but rather the architects of the
lives they desire to live. 

Jennifer is the founder of Project Healthy Body and Who Quits Healthy. She has been featured on The Today Show, and in Sheryl Sandberg's "Option B, Facing Adversity, Building Resilience, And
Finding Joy."

Book Recommendation: Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything by BJ Fogg


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