Episode 44: LIVE Self Care Coaching Call & 10K GIVEAWAY!

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Hey, ya'll!  I'm giving you another sneak peak into what a Self Care Coaching Call looks like with me (stay around till the end where I share a couple of bonus tips!!)  And here's an exciting announcement....

This week, the show is hitting 10,000 downloads!!!!  I am so grateful to you all for listening and I hope you are inspired to really start putting yourself first without the guilt and feel amazing by creating your own version of self care.

To celebrate, I'm doing a GIVEAWAY for a FREE Self Care Coaching Call with me!  Here's how to enter:

  • Go to iTunes and leave a rating & write a review

  • Take a screen shot of your written review

  • DM me your screen shot on my Instagram

And that's it!  I'll draw a winner later in the week!  Thank you again for listening...there's a lot more coming your way.  I'm on a mission to help as many women as possible become the best version of themselves through self care.  So grateful to you all.


  • Want to take your Self Care journey to the next level?  Check out Emily’s courses and freebies here!

  • Listen to more episodes of the Self Care Isn’t Selfish Podcast!  (don’t forget to subscribe & leave a rating & review if you’re loving the show!) 

  • Want to be part of our Self Care community?  Sign up for Emily’s newsletter here so you can be in the know & receive additional self care tips!  (promise not to spam!)

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