Episode 138: Does Self Care Feel Overwhelming? Tips to Simplify & Diversify Your Self Care PLUS: STU STARTS TODAY! COACHING, habit hack, Habits, holistic health, self care tool, self care routineEmily NicholsFebruary 14, 2022self care, self care tips, holistic health, habit hackComment
HABIT HACK THURSDAY: Why Is It So Hard to Invest in Yourself? PLUS: HEAR FROM STU ALUMNI AND THEIR TRANSFORMATIONS AFTER INVESTING IN THEMSELVES! COACHING, LOVE, self care tool, self limiting beliefs, Self Love, self love, SELF TRANSFORM U, testimonyEmily NicholsFebruary 10, 2022invest, invest in yourself, self love, stu, self transform uComment
Episode 137: Do You Need Some Tough Love? Tips to Help You Take Action and Finally Transform with Liz Henderson COACHING, habit hack, Habits, Mom, moms, Self Love, SELF TRANSFORM U, working mom life, Working mom, consistencyEmily NicholsFebruary 7, 2022self love, tough love, self care, consistencyComment
HABIT HACK Thursday: Why Your Routine is Working Until It Doesn’t Anymore. How to Shift Your Habits Through Different Seasons of Life habit hack, Habits, SELF TRANSFORM UEmily NicholsFebruary 3, 2022habit hack, habit hack thursday, motivationComment
Episode 136: Do You Know Your Own and Your Family’s Love Language? 5 Tips on Daily Intentional Habits to Express and Receive Love COACHING, Habits, LOVE, relationships, SELF TRANSFORM U, workshopEmily NicholsJanuary 31, 2022love, love language, habits, stu, self transform uComment
Episode 135: HABIT HACK: Living in Your Leggings? How Getting Dressed Can Be One Of Your Most Important Habits Habits, habit hack, SELF TRANSFORM UEmily NicholsJanuary 27, 2022habit hack, get dressedComment
Episode 134: Trying Dry January? How To Overcome Mommy Wine Culture and Set Yourself Free from Alcohol As a Coping Habit with Michelle Porterfield COACHING, alcoholEmily NicholsJanuary 24, 2022sober, sober curious, dry january, alcohol, healthy habitsComment
BONUS: New Weekly Inspirational Texts! (And a workshop announcement!) COACHING, workshopEmily NicholsJanuary 20, 2022texting, text meComment
Episode 133: Say No To Overwhelm and Yes To Time Freedom—BOOK REVIEW Habits, habits that stick, mindset, organization, SELF TRANSFORM UEmily NicholsJanuary 17, 2022habits, time, habit inventory, habits that stick, overwhelmComment
Episode 132: Are You Listening to Your Intuition? Tips to Listen to Your Gut and Overcome Your Fears LOVE, Self Love, self care tool, SELF TRANSFORM U, workshop, intuitionEmily NicholsJanuary 10, 2022workshop, free workshop, intuition, gutComment
Episode 131: What Is Vision Casting and How Can You Cast a Vision for Your Future? goal setting, SELF TRANSFORM U, vision castingEmily NicholsJanuary 6, 2022goals, goal setting, vision casting, stu, self transform uComment
Episode 130: Is Self Transform U Right For You? Hear from STU Alumni Who Have Transformed Their Habits & Lives! client testimony, COACHING, testimony, SELF TRANSFORM UEmily NicholsJanuary 3, 2022self transform u, alumni, client testimony, testimonial, testimonyComment
Episode 129: Does the Fear of Failure Hold You Back? 3 Tips to Help You Overcome and Finally Step Into Action COACHING, Habits, SELF TRANSFORM U, UpdateEmily NicholsDecember 30, 2021coach, coaching, habit coach, self care coachComment
Episode 128: Who I Am NOT As A Coach: Am I the Right Habit Coach for You? (PLUS: CART IS OPEN FOR SELF TRANSFORM U--FREE BONUS!) COACHING, habits that stick, holistic health, SELF TRANSFORM U, UpdateEmily NicholsDecember 27, 2021habit coach, self care coach, self transform u, habits that stickComment
MERRY CHRISTMAS! A Gift From Me to You To Help You Make More Time! Habits, freebieEmily NicholsDecember 23, 2021habit inventory, freebie, gift, habits, habit hackComment
Episode 127: Where Do You Start When Taking Care of Yourself? The Story of The Big Rocks Habits, LOVE, mindset, self care tool, Self Love, self loveEmily NicholsDecember 20, 2021self care, self care tips, getting started, habitsComment
EPISODE 126: Do You Have An All Or Nothing Attitude? Tips to Change Your Thoughts, Emotions and Actions Habits, LOVE, self limiting beliefs, self care tool, workshopEmily NicholsDecember 16, 2021attitude, all or nothing, mindsetComment
EPISODE 125: How to Dream and Intentionally Use Your 2022 Planner with Polly Payne of the Dream Planning Podcast goal setting, Habits, organization, SELF TRANSFORM U, workshopEmily NicholsDecember 13, 2021goals, goal setting, new year, happy new year, habit hackComment
HABIT BREAKTHROUGH BOOTCAMP 2.0--Get FREE Access to My New Habit Method To Help You Take Action and Transform For Good! Habits, workshopEmily NicholsDecember 9, 2021habit breakthrough bootcamp, workshop, free workshop, giveawayComment
Episode 124: Proactive vs. Reactive Self Care. What Are You Doing Now To Take Care of Yourself NOW? LOVE, self care tool, self care routine, workshopEmily NicholsDecember 6, 2021self care, self care tipsComment